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Manuel Portilla-Jimenez passed his Ph.D. Prospectus in December 2024. 


Shahab Tavasoli passed his Ph.D. qualifying exam in December 2024. 


Jinsook Roh started as director of the graduate program in the BME department. 


Yoon No Gregory Hong successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation (title: Multimodal Characterization of Motor Impairment after Stroke Using Rehabilitation Robotics​) in November 2024. Congratulations, Dr. Hong! 


Kenedy May completed her 10-week Neuromotor Skill Advancement for Post-baccalaureates (NSAP) program in the summer of 2024. She received the best poster presentation award at the NSAP program based on her research. 


Supraja Vaidhyanathan starts her Ph.D. degree from Fall 2024.


Spencer Turner starts his M.S. degree from Fall 2024.


Jinsook Roh got tenured and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor, effective September 1st 2024.


Jinsook Roh presented an invited talk, titled "Automated quantification of movement quality
using upper-extremity exoskeleton for stroke rehabilitation," at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in August 2024.


Jinsook Roh chaired a mini-symposium with Dr. Yang Yuan (UIUC), titled "Frontiers in non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical technologies for movement rehabilitation in chronic stroke," in 2024 IEEE EMBC, Orlando, FL. Also, Roh provided an oral presentation, titled "Neuromuscular coordination (NeuroCoord)-guided stroke rehabilitation through human-machine interaction: two pilot studies," at the 2024 EMBC.


Manuel Portilla-Jimenez's conference proceeding was accepted and presented as an oral presentation at the 2024 IEEE EMBC in July 2024 (title: Improving impaired intermuscular coordination after stroke through synergy-guided human-machine interaction: a pilot study).


Yoon No Gregory Hong's conference proceeding was accepted and presented as a poster at the 2024 IEEE EMBC in July 2024 (title: Effects of wearing an upper extremity exoskeleton on measuring joint kinematics during standardized clinical assessment tasks).


Hy Doan completed her M.S. in Spring 2024 (M.S. thesis title: Effects of electrotactile stimulation on muscle excitation and intermuscular coordination in the human upper extremity). She starts working for the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in Summer 2024.


Manuel was awarded 2024 American Society of NeuroRehabilitation (ASNR) Diversity Fellowship in 2024 Spring. He presented his poster, titled "Alteration in intermuscular coordination patterns after stroke varies depending on biomechanical conditions in the arm," at the 2024 ASNR, San Antonio, TX.


Jinsook Roh gave an invited seminar, titled "Toward neuromuscular coordination-guided
(NeuroCoord-guided) neurorehabilitation after stroke," in the department of Biology at Handong Global University in Spring 2024.


Haneef Mohammed, an undergraduate research intern, was awarded his UH Provost's Undergraduate Research Scholarship (PURS)  in Spring 2024. 


Haneef Mohammed started his undergraduate research internship in the REIGN Lab in Spring 2024. 


Jinsook Roh presented an invited talk, titled "Neuromuscular coordination-guided (NeuroCoord-guided) neurorehabilitation after stroke," at Houston Methodist Research Center in November 2023.


Hy Doan presented a poster, titled "Modulation of Upper Extremity Myoelectric Activation Patterns with Electrotactile Stimulation in the Presence of Sensory Attenuation," at 2023 Mission Connect Conference in Houston in Fall 2023.


Jinsook Roh presented an invited talk, titled "Toward neuromuscular coordination-guided (NeuroCoord-guided) neurorehabilitation after stroke," in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Houston in September 2023.


Jinsook Roh presented an invited talk, titled "Neuromuscular coordination-guided (NeuroCoord-guided) neurorehabilitation after stroke," at the Digital Health Lunch Seminar Series at Rice University in September 2023.


Besmir Mucogllava starts his M.S. degree from Fall 2023.


Sean Chakraborty starts his M.S. degree from Fall 2023.


Shahab Tavasoli starts his Ph.D. degree from Fall 2023.


Anisa Abdulhussein completed her M.S. degree in Summer 2023. She will start her doctor or optometry degree at UH in Fall 2023.


Jinsook Roh gave an invited presentation, titled "Toward neuromuscular coordination-guided (NeuroCoord-guided) neurorehabilitation after stroke," at the Global Mentoring Seminar of the University of Science and Technology, South Korea in August 2023.


Amr Alshatnawi joined the REIGN Lab as a summer research scholar, supported by NIH Neuromotor Skill Advancement for Post-baccalaureates (NSAP) program, and completed his rehabilitation game development project in Summer 2023.


Jinsook Roh chaired a mini-symposium, "Bioengineering strategies targeting abnormal inter-muscular coordination in stroke rehabilitation," with Dr. Marc Slutzky (Northwestern) in 2023 IEEE EMBC. Also, Roh provided an oral presentation on "Expanding the repertoire of intermuscular coordination patterns and modulating intermuscular connectivity in stroke-affected upper extremity through electromyogram-guided training: a pilot study" at the 2023 EMBC.


Kyoungsoon Kim, Ph.D., was awarded NIH T32 NeuralCODR grant. He starts his postdoctoral work in the REIGN Lab in Summer 2023.


Amena Jangda, B.S. completed her M.S. degree in Spring 2023.


Gang Seo successfully completed his Ph.D. degree in Spring 2023. He is moving to Stanford University as a postdoctoral fellow in Fall 2023.


Jinsook Roh served as an invited roundtable facilitator of the ASNR professional development section, American Society for NeuroRehabilitation, in Spring 2023.


Jinsook Roh gave a poster presentation, title "Computational model-based, synergy-correcting controllers for rehabilitation robots," at 2023 NSF DARE Conference in Spring 2023.


Jinsook Roh gave a poster presentation, title "Alterations in intermuscular coordination as a potential stroke rehabilitation target using muscle synergy analysis," at 2023 American Society of Neurorehabilitation in Spring 2023.


Katherine Pham published her M.S. thesis with Manuel Portilla-Jimenez in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience in Spring 2023.


Jinsook Roh received 2022 C-STAR Pilot Grant in Spring 2023.


Gang Seo, a Ph.D. student, passed his Ph.D. prospectus. He plans to graduate in Spring 2023.  


Attiya Hussaini, an accelerated M.S. student, got admission to the UH Optometry school (her first choice to stay with her family in Houston). She plans to start her Optometry degree in the Fall 2023.  


Anjan Nagesh, an accelerated M.S. student, passed his M.S. defense. He became the 2nd M.S. graduate in the lab. 


Anisa Abdulhussein, an undergraduate research intern, was awarded her PURS scholarship for Spring 2023. 


Sean Chakraborty, an undergraduate research intern, was awarded his PURS scholarship for Spring 2023. 


Marcus Tubera, an undergraduate research intern, was awarded his PURS scholarship for Spring 2023.


Anisa Abdulhussein, Sean Chakraborty, and Marcus Tubera joined the REIGN Lab as undergraduate research interns! 

September 2022


Hy Doan, B.S., continues her M.S. research in the REIGN Lab at UH! 
September 2022


Attiya Hussaini, B.S., continues her M.S. research in the REIGN Lab at UH!

September 2022


Amena Jangda, B.S., continues her M.S. research in the REIGN Lab at UH!

September 2022


Katherine Pham successfully graduated with a Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering! 

August 2022


Gang Seo is getting married. Congratulations! 

June 2022


Dr. Roh earns National Science Foundation CAREER Award for stroke rehab research. 

January 2022



REIGN lab received 2021 National Center for Neuromodulation for Rehabilitation (NC NM4R) Pilot Grant!

March 2021



Anjan Nagesh, B.S., continues his M.S. research in the REIGN Lab at UH!

September 2021



Katherine Pham, B.S., continues her M.S. research in the REIGN Lab at UH!

September 2021



Michael Lee joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in Biology at the University of Texas Austin!

June 2021



Amena Jangda joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in Mechanical Engineering at UH!

June 2021



Brendan Yin-Lung Wong joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in BME at UH!

June 2021



Congratulations! Gang Seo earned Grand Award from 2021 CARE Research Day Conference, Austin, TX.

April 2021



Congratulations on Yoon’s new baby girl! The REIGN Lab is excited and happy about the recent addition of Yena Hong to the Hong family. 

January 2021



Attiya Hussaini joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in BME at UH!

January 2021



Yader Nicolas Nino joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in BME at UH!

January 2021



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research as one of the plenary speakers at the 2nd Rehabilitation Engineering for Neurological disorders Worldwide (RENEW) Workshop, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea.

October 2020



Hy Doan joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in BME at UH!

October 2020



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research at the National Rehabilitation Center Research Institute, Seoul, South Korea.

September 2020



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UH.

September 202



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research three times for the local Stroke Support Group Meetings. The meetings are organized by Memorial Hermann Memorial City, Joe Niekro Foundation, and Dept. of Neurology, Houston Methodist Hospital.  

September 2020



Manuel Portilla Jimenez, MS, joined the REIGH Lab as a Ph.D. student at UH!

September 2020



Salma Moncayo starts her M.S. program at Duke University.

September 2020



Congratulations! Gang Seo earned the 2020 Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA) Scholarship.

September 2020



Anjan Nagesh joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in BME at UH!

July 2020



Brian Ahn joined the REIGN Lab as a high school research student at Stephen F. Austin High School, Houston, TX.

June 2020



Congratulations! Katherine Pham earned the 2020 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.

May 2020



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research in the Dept. of Kinesiology, Texas A & M University, TX.

February 2020



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research at the Operant Conditioning Special Interest Group Meeting, organized by the Dept. of Health Sciences and Research, Medical University of South Carolina, SC, US.

January 2020



Crystal Mouliere Yarbrough joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in BME at UH!

January 2020



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research as one of the plenary speakers at the 1st Rehabilitation Engineering for Neurological disorders Worldwide (RENEW) Workshop, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea.

November 2019



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research at the Institute of Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea.

November 2019



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research in the Bioengineering Program, Rice University, TX.

October 2019



Gang Seo, M.S., joined the REIGH lab as a Ph.D. student at UH!

September 1, 2019



Yoon No Gregory Hong, M.S., joined the REIGH lab as a Ph.D. student at UH!

September 1, 2019



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research at the TIRR Memorial Hermann, TX.

February 2019



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas Austin, TX.

January 2019



Dr. Hyung-Soon Park and his Ph.D. student, Jeong-Ho Park, at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) joined the REIGN Lab as visiting scholars!

January-June 2019



Salma Moncayo joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in BME at UH!

August 2019



Jasmine Choi joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in Biology at the University of Texas Austin!

June 2019



Katherine Pham joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student at UH!

January 2019



Matthew Palmer joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in BME at UH!

May 2019



Jinsook Roh, Ph.D., presented her research at the National Rehabilitation Center Research Institute, Seoul, South Korea.

January 2019



Mohammad Ansab Khan joined the REIGN Lab as an undergraduate research student in BME at UH!

December 2018

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